Here’s the line-up of upcoming events you should know about!

Inter Dojo Tournament 2014
Beach Party 2014

  • PATMA Inter-Dojo Tournament (Sunday, August 17)
    • This is great tournament for inexperienced or first-time competitors. Entry fee is only $20.
  • Annual Beach Party (Sunday, August 24)
    • Our annual beach party will be at Bolsa Chica State Beach from 11:00am – 2:30pm. Lunch is a potluck so bring a dish for about 8-10 people to share!
  • Wado-Kai Masters Seminar in Berkeley (Tuesday, September 30)
    • If you happen to be in the Bay Area, I highly recommend going to this seminar. It is from 6:30 – 8:30pm.
  • New Website!!
    • Our new website is up and running. Please take a look and give us suggestions to make it even better!